Classification and selection principles of servo motors

1.Definition of servo motors
The definition of servo motors is an engine that controls the operation of mechanical elements in a servo system. It is an auxiliary motor indirect speed change device. The main function of a servo motor is to convert the input voltage control signal into the angular displacement and angular velocity output on the shaft to drive the control object. Its biggest feature is that it can rotate immediately when receiving the control signal and stop immediately when the signal disappears. The servo motor has the characteristics of small electromechanical time constant, high linearity, and starting voltage, and can convert the received electrical signal into angular displacement or angular velocity output on the motor shaft.

400W 交流伺服电机套件 3000rpm 1.27Nm 带伺服驱动器和 17 位编码器 IP65 E6 系列

2.Classification of servo motors
1.DC servo motors are powered by a DC power supply and achieve precise control of the motor by controlling the current size and direction. It is usually composed of an armature, a magnetic pole, a permanent magnet or a winding. DC servo motors have high speed and torque, fast response speed, and high control accuracy. They are suitable for industrial automation fields with high-precision control, such as CNC machine tools, printing machines, packaging machines, etc. However, due to the presence of brushes and brush rings, long-term operation may cause brush wear, affecting the performance and life of the motor. 2. AC servo motors are powered by AC power and have high speed and torque. They are usually composed of permanent magnets and stator windings, and the speed and position of the motor are controlled by the frequency and phase of the AC power supply. AC servo motors have the characteristics of simple structure, brushless commutation, and long life, and are suitable for fields with high-precision control and high-power output, such as wind turbines, rail transportation, etc. In addition, AC servo motors also have good dynamic performance and anti-interference ability, and can meet the working requirements in various complex environments.

3.Common causes of servo motor alarms
1.Excessive load: When the load driven by the servo motor exceeds its carrying capacity, the motor will not work properly and may trigger an overload alarm. This may be caused by reasons such as excessive load itself, failure of the transmission mechanism or mechanical components.
2.Power supply problem: unstable power supply voltage or poor contact of the power supply line may cause the servo drive to alarm. Too high or too low power supply voltage will affect the output power and stability of the motor, which will lead to an alarm.
3.Control system problem: Improper parameter settings of the control system, control signal interference or control line failure may cause the servo drive to alarm. For example, improper parameter settings, abnormal control signals, etc.
‌4.Drive hardware failure: Damage to the power module, control board, sensor and other hardware inside the servo drive will also cause an alarm. For example, power transistor damage, encoder failure, etc.
‌5.Mechanical failure: Wear, looseness, and jamming of mechanical parts may also cause servo drive alarms. For example, bearing damage, insufficient lubrication, etc.

短轴 NEMA 23 集成简易伺服电机 180w 3000rpm 0.6Nm( 20-50VDC 57 x 57 毫米

4.Selection principles of servo motors
1.Performance matching principle: The selection of servo motors must first meet the performance requirements of automation equipment, including output power, speed range, positioning accuracy, response speed and other indicators. When selecting, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the load characteristics, operating environment and working requirements of the equipment to ensure that the selected servo motor can meet the needs of actual applications.
‌2.Stability principle: The servo motor needs to have stable operating characteristics during work to ensure the stable operation of the automation equipment. Therefore, when selecting, it is necessary to pay attention to the output stability, temperature rise characteristics, anti-interference and other indicators of the servo motor, and select products with stable performance and high reliability.
‌3.Economic principle: On the premise of meeting performance and quality, the selection of servo motors also needs to consider cost factors. Engineers and technicians need to comprehensively consider factors such as the cost, maintenance costs, and energy consumption of servo motors, and select products with high cost performance to reduce the overall cost of automation equipment.
‌4.Reliability principle‌: As an important component of mechanical transmission, the reliability of servo motors is directly related to the stable operation of automation equipment. Therefore, when selecting, it is necessary to select products with reliable quality and stable performance to avoid using inferior products to damage the equipment.
‌5.Applicability principle‌: The selection of servo motors also needs to consider their scope of application and use environment, such as dust and water resistance, explosion-proof function, operating temperature range, etc. When selecting, it is necessary to select suitable products according to actual working conditions to ensure that the servo motor can work stably in a specific environment.

Ventajas y campos de aplicación de los motores paso a paso de eje hueco

1.Definición simple de motor paso a paso de eje hueco
El motor paso a paso de eje hueco es un tipo especial de motor paso a paso. Su estructura interna adopta un diseño hueco y se compone principalmente de imanes, marcos internos y externos, cojinetes, bobinas y otras partes. ‌Este tipo de motor tiene las ventajas de alta densidad de potencia, tamaño pequeño, alta eficiencia, bajo nivel de ruido, bajo aumento de temperatura y alta confiabilidad, por lo que tiene importantes aplicaciones en los campos aeroespacial, militar, automovilístico, médico, robótico y otros. El diseño del motor paso a paso de eje hueco optimiza en gran medida el diseño mecánico, facilita el cableado y ahorra espacio de diseño y costos de producción. El orificio interior se utiliza principalmente para cableado, transmisión de luz u otros medios como el aire. Este diseño no solo es adecuado para ocasiones en las que la precisión dimensional del eje hueco del motor paso a paso o del orificio interior no es alta, sino también debido a. Su estructura simple, funcionamiento confiable y fácil de mantener, es ampliamente utilizado en diversos campos industriales, como maquinaria de plástico, maquinaria de impresión, maquinaria textil, etc.

Nema 14 双空心轴双极步进电机 1.8 度 16 Ncm 1.25 A 4 线

2.Proceso de trabajo del motor paso a paso de eje hueco
El proceso de trabajo del motor paso a paso de eje hueco se basa principalmente en la conversión de señales de impulsos eléctricos en el correspondiente desplazamiento angular o desplazamiento lineal. El principio de funcionamiento de este tipo de motor es convertir la señal de pulso eléctrico de entrada en movimiento mecánico. Cada vez que se ingresa una señal de pulso, el rotor girará un ángulo fijo o avanzará un paso. El desplazamiento angular o lineal de salida es proporcional. Al número de pulsos de entrada, la velocidad de rotación es proporcional a la frecuencia del pulso. La rotación del motor paso a paso de eje hueco se realiza paso a paso en un ángulo fijo (llamado "ángulo de paso"). Al controlar el número de pulsos, se puede controlar el desplazamiento angular para lograr un posicionamiento preciso. Al mismo tiempo, al controlar la frecuencia de los pulsos, se puede controlar la velocidad y la aceleración de la rotación del motor para lograr el propósito de regular la velocidad. El principio de funcionamiento de este tipo de motor utiliza circuitos electrónicos para convertir la corriente continua en una corriente controlada por secuencia multifásica que se alimenta en parte para alimentar el motor paso a paso. El controlador del motor paso a paso es un componente clave. Suministra energía de tiempo compartido al motor paso a paso y controla la sincronización multifásica para garantizar que el motor pueda funcionar normalmente.

3.Ventajas de los motores paso a paso de eje hueco
‌1.Optimizar el diseño mecánico‌: El diseño del motor paso a paso de eje hueco permite un orificio hueco en el centro del eje. Esta estructura permite que la dirección axial penetre en el espacio, logrando así un diseño más compacto y optimizado en el diseño de la máquina. Este diseño no solo optimiza la estructura mecánica, sino que también permite la transmisión de materiales, señales, luz, etc. a través del espacio axial, mejorando la eficiencia y el rendimiento general del dispositivo‌.
‌2.Cableado conveniente‌: la estructura hueca del motor paso a paso de eje hueco facilita el cableado y puede evitar la distorsión y el daño del cable. Esta característica es particularmente importante en escenarios de aplicaciones que necesitan transmitir cables, alambres y señales de sensores. Este diseño no solo simplifica el proceso de cableado, sino que también mejora la confiabilidad y mantenibilidad del equipo.
‌3.Ahorre espacio de diseño y costos de producción‌: debido al pequeño tamaño del motor paso a paso de eje hueco, el diseño de alta densidad de potencia puede ahorrar espacio, mejorando así la utilización de energía. Al mismo tiempo, su diseño de alta eficiencia reduce el peso del motor, aumenta el espacio del circuito magnético, aumentando así la densidad de potencia, reduciendo el ruido y el aumento de temperatura, lo que reduce directamente los costos de producción.
‌4.Adaptarse a una variedad de escenarios de aplicación‌: los motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan en una amplia gama de aplicaciones, incluidos equipos de automatización, equipos médicos, equipos de impresión, maquinaria textil, equipos de escenario, aeroespacial, ingeniería de vehículos, etc. En estos campos, los motores paso a paso de eje hueco pueden proporcionar un control preciso de la posición y del movimiento, al tiempo que facilitan el paso de cables, tuberías de aire, etc., mejorando la integración y confiabilidad del equipo.

Nema 23 双极步进电机 1.8 度 1.45 Nm 2.0A 双轴 4 线空心轴

4.Áreas de aplicación de los motores paso a paso de eje hueco
1.En términos de equipos de automatización, los motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan ampliamente en robots, líneas de producción automatizadas, máquinas herramienta CNC, etc. para proporcionar un control de posición y control de movimiento precisos y al mismo tiempo facilitar el paso de cables, tuberías de aire, etc.
‌2.En el campo de los equipos médicos, los motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan a menudo en robots quirúrgicos, equipos de imágenes médicas, equipos de automatización de laboratorio, etc., para cumplir con los requisitos de alta precisión y confiabilidad y para facilitar el trazado de cables y tráquea. , etc.
‌3.En los equipos de impresión‌, se utilizan motores paso a paso de eje hueco para impulsar componentes como rodillos de impresión y transportadores de papel para mejorar la integración y confiabilidad del equipo.
‌4.En maquinaria textil‌, los motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan para accionar componentes como el bobinado de hilo y los telares, y también mejoran la integración y confiabilidad del equipo.
‌5.En términos de equipos de escenario, los motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan para impulsar la elevación, la rotación y otros componentes del escenario para mejorar la integración y confiabilidad del equipo.
‌6.En el campo aeroespacial, los motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan para accionar componentes como superficies de timón y trenes de aterrizaje para facilitar el paso de cables, tuberías de aire, etc., y mejorar la integración y confiabilidad de los equipos.
‌7.En la ingeniería de vehículos, los motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan para accionar elevalunas eléctricos, ajustes de asientos y otros componentes para facilitar el paso de cables, tuberías de aire, etc., y mejorar la integración y confiabilidad de los equipos.
8.En la ‌automatización industrial‌ y la ‌robótica‌, los servomotores de alta velocidad y los motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan para controlar con precisión los dispositivos mecánicos en las líneas de producción y lograr un control preciso del movimiento de las articulaciones de los robots.
‌9.En el campo de la fabricación inteligente, con el avance de la Industria 4.0, los servomotores de alta velocidad combinados con motores paso a paso de eje hueco se utilizan en campos emergentes como los vehículos de nueva energía y la logística inteligente, que requieren que los sistemas de motor tengan una potencia de salida eficiente. y capacidades de control adaptativo inteligente.

Design ideas of integrated stepper motors

1.A brief introduction to integrated stepper motors
An integrated stepper motor is an electromechanical device that integrates a stepper motor, a driver, a motion controller, and an encoder into a whole. ‌ This integrated design not only reduces space occupancy, but also greatly reduces wiring work, improving the reliability and practicality of the system. The integrated stepper motor has achieved a space reduction of more than 40% through an integrated design, while reducing wiring work by more than 50%. It has good electromagnetic compatibility characteristics and simplifies the system topology, thereby improving the overall performance and efficiency of the stepper system.

Nema 23 集成步进电机带驱动器 1.8 度 126 Ncm(178.4 盎司英寸)12-38VDC 2.8A ISD04

‌2.Control mode of integrated stepper motors
1.Pulse control: This is the traditional way to control the position and speed of stepper motors. The rotation distance depends on the number of pulses, and the speed depends on the pulse frequency. The three common pulse control methods include pulse direction type, CW/CCW pulse type, and A/B orthogonal pulse type. Each method controls the rotation direction and speed of the motor through different signal inputs.
2.Analog control: The stepper driver supports speed control and position control based on analog signals, and the stepper servo also supports torque mode based on analog signal control.
3.Fieldbus control: The stepper drive supports a variety of industrial fieldbuses, including RS-485, Modbus, CAN, Ethernet, and EtherCAT, making it easy to integrate stepper motors into various industrial control systems.
4.Program resident mode: By executing stored programs to complete complex single-axis motion control, Q-type drives can store and run up to 744 Q program instructions in non-volatile memory. These instructions provide functions such as multitasking, mathematical operations, conditional processing, and data register operations, making the control of stepper motors more flexible and efficient.

3.Selection requirements for integrated stepper motors
1.Determine load and performance requirements: Analyze the nature of the load (linear or rotary), weight, and torque requirements. Consider the maximum and minimum operating speeds required in the application. Determine the required step angle. High-precision applications may require a smaller step angle or use microstepping drives.
2.Motor size and torque: Select the appropriate motor size and mounting interface to ensure compatibility with the mechanical system. Evaluate the maximum static and dynamic torque required, and consider additional requirements during starting, stopping, and acceleration.
3.Electrical requirements: Select the appropriate motor voltage and current according to the control system and power supply capabilities.
Consider the configuration of the motor windings, such as bipolar or unipolar.
4.Compatibility and integration: Make sure the motor is compatible with the controller, including the interface type and control signal.
Consider whether additional components are required, such as reducers, encoders, etc.
5.Debugging methods: The debugging of stepper motors includes determining the required motor torque, determining the operating voltage and current from the motor model and application, and selecting the corresponding driver model according to the motor's operating current and voltage. Consider that the stepper driver cannot have overvoltage problems during sudden braking.

Nema 23 集成步进电机带控制器 1.8 度 12-38VDC 300 Ncm(425 盎司英寸)4.2A ISC08

4.Design ideas for integrated stepper motors
1.Select the appropriate stepper motor type: Select the appropriate stepper motor type according to application requirements, such as reactive stepper motors, permanent magnet stepper motors, etc. Each type has its specific advantages and applicable scenarios, so choosing the right type is the first step to a successful design.
2.Design control system: The control system of the stepper motor is its core part, and a control logic that can accurately control the operation of the motor needs to be designed. This includes setting parameters such as acceleration, deceleration, starting speed, speed, phase current control (PWM) and step mode. The control system should also support a variety of motion commands, such as accelerating, moving N steps in the command direction, moving to the absolute position along the most direct path, etc., to ensure that the motor can move according to the preset trajectory and speed.
3.Achieve precise position and speed control: In order to achieve precise position and speed control, subdivision technology, current control technology, vector control technology, etc. can be used. Subdivision technology subdivides a complete step angle into multiple smaller steps by improving the drive circuit, thereby improving the smoothness and positioning accuracy of the motor operation. Current control technology accurately controls the current size of the motor winding through an intelligent driver, improves the dynamic performance of the motor and reduces heat and noise. Vector control technology is similar to the control strategy of AC servo motors. By calculating and adjusting the current vector of each phase, the torque output and efficiency of the motor are optimized.
4.Integrated high-speed communication interface: Modern stepper motor controllers use high-speed communication protocols (such as CANopen, EtherCAT, etc.) to achieve efficient data exchange and real-time control with the host computer. This helps to improve the overall performance and response speed of the system.
5.Apply intelligent algorithms: Use advanced control algorithms such as PID control, fuzzy logic control, and adaptive control to improve the dynamic response of the stepper motor and reduce vibration and step loss. The application of these algorithms can improve the intelligence level of the system, enabling it to better adapt to different working environments and task requirements. In summary, the design ideas of integrated stepper motors involve selecting the right motor type, designing an effective control system, achieving precise position and speed control, integrating high-speed communication interfaces, and applying intelligent algorithms. These steps together ensure the performance and reliability of the stepper motor system and meet the needs of various applications.


Technical difficulties that permanent magnet stepper motors need to overcome

1.What is a permanent magnet stepper motor
The permanent magnet stepper motor is an electromechanical energy conversion device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. The working principle of this motor is based on the interaction between the rotor and stator magnetic fields, and the rotation is generated by the interaction between the magnetic rotor core and the pulsed electromagnetic field generated by the stator. The interaction between the rotor magnetic field and the stator magnetic field of the permanent magnet stepper motor generates torque, thereby realizing the conversion of electrical energy. The motor rotor of the permanent magnet stepper motor usually uses rare earth permanent magnet tiles, which are processed into claw-type tooth poles by stamping dies, and the motor rotor uses axial multi-pole magnetized rare earth permanent magnet tiles. This design makes the cost of the motor relatively low.

PM 旋转步进电机 15 度 53.9mN.m ( 0.8A 4 线 φ35x22mm 永磁步进电机

2.Requirements for the design of permanent magnet stepper motors
1.Technical parameter setting: The design of permanent magnet stepper motors first needs to clarify their technical parameters, such as peak torque, maximum speed, efficiency, etc. For example, in the motor bench test, the maximum efficiency of motor and feed is 93%, the peak torque is 165N.m, and the maximum speed reaches 14000rpm. In addition, the design requirements also stipulate that the torque pulsation does not exceed 5% and the maximum efficiency is not less than 93%. 
2.Material selection: In terms of material selection, the performance and cost of the motor need to be considered. For example, the stator and rotor punchings use M330-35A-60C silicon steel sheets with a thickness of 0.35mm. This material has good magnetic conductivity and low loss characteristics, which helps to improve the efficiency of the motor and reduce the temperature rise. 
3.Design principles: Some basic principles need to be followed in the design process, such as the selection of slot-pole matching, rotor skew, single-layer wiring, spiral water cooling, etc. These principles are intended to reduce the vibration and noise of the motor and improve the performance and reliability of the motor. ‌
4.Design process: The design process includes simulation using Ansoft software, electromagnetic verification using MotorCad, verification of the force of the motor rotor under low-speed high torque and high-speed centrifugal force using Workbench, and decomposition of the electromagnetic excitation force of the motor using Matlab. ‌These processes ensure the accuracy and reliability of the motor design.

3.Technical difficulties that permanent magnet stepper motors need to overcome
1.Stability of magnetic steel: The rotor magnetic steel of permanent magnet motors is usually fixed by two methods: embedded or attached to the outer surface of the rotor through adhesive materials. ‌However, under the centrifugal force generated by the high-speed rotation of the rotor, both of these fixing methods have the risk of the magnetic steel falling off and being thrown out, especially when the magnetic steel loses magnetism, this problem is more serious. ‌This limits the realization of high speed of the motor and may cause other operating hazards such as increased motor vibration. ‌In order to solve this problem, the use of carbon fiber composite materials to fix the magnetic steel has become an ideal solution, because it can effectively ensure the safe and stable operation of the rotor under high-speed conditions. ‌
2.Anti-magnetization technology: Improving anti-magnetization technology is one of the technical challenges faced by permanent magnet motors. The anti-magnetization ability of the motor can be improved by adding load detection, lowering the maximum load, increasing heat dissipation measures, and avoiding frequent starting. ‌For example, the BMW i3 monitors the internal temperature of the motor by setting a temperature upper limit in the operating mode, setting a temperature sensor in the stator winding, and estimating the rotor temperature through a thermal model to avoid problems caused by excessive temperature. ‌
3.High-temperature demagnetization problem: Permanent magnet motors are prone to demagnetization in high-temperature environments, which can cause motor performance degradation or even damage. ‌The real-time and precise wireless temperature controller for large permanent magnet motors with dual-channel temperature and electricity developed by Zhejiang Mechanical and Electrical Vocational and Technical College has broken through the technical pain points of the permanent magnet motor industry by reducing the economic losses of enterprises caused by high-temperature demagnetization. The realization of this technology not only improves the safety of the motor, but also achieves import substitution, which has important economic and social significance.

PM 齿轮步进电机 4 相 0.25 度 39.2 Ncm 0.143A 带 30:1 正齿轮箱 Φ25x25.5mm

4.Application fields of permanent magnet stepper motors
1.In computer peripheral equipment, photography systems, viewpoint combination devices, valve control and other fields, permanent magnet stepper motors are used to achieve precise position control and motion control to meet the high requirements of accuracy and reliability in these fields. ‌
2.In CNC machine tools and automatic winding machines, permanent magnet stepper motors provide high-precision and reliable solutions to ensure the accuracy and efficiency of work. ‌
3.In the field of medical equipment, such as CT scanners, X-ray machines, etc., permanent magnet stepper motors are used to achieve precise control of rotating mechanisms to meet the special needs of medical imaging equipment. ‌
4.In the fields of electronic clocks, automatic embroidery machines, etc., permanent magnet stepper motors are used to achieve precise time display and precise positioning of embroidery patterns. ‌
5.In the office automation and home appliance industries, permanent magnet stepper motors are used to achieve precise control and movement of equipment to improve work efficiency and user experience. ‌
6.In automation equipment and electronic equipment, such as industrial robots, printers, scanners, etc., permanent magnet stepper motors provide high-precision and reliable motion control, ensuring stable operation and high-quality output of the equipment. ‌
7.In the textile industry, permanent magnet stepper motors are widely used in spinning machines, looms and other equipment to improve production efficiency and quality. ‌


Design features and application areas of hollow shaft stepper motors

1.The meaning of hollow shaft stepper motor
The hollow shaft stepper motor is a special stepper motor, which is characterized by a hollow motor shaft. This design allows the motor shaft to be used not only to transmit torque, but also allows other devices (such as optical shafts, slender tools, etc.) to be inserted through the shaft center, thereby achieving more complex application requirements.

空心轴 Nema 17 步进电机双极 1.8 度 0.25 Nm(35.41 盎司英寸)1.5A 42x42x33.8mm 双轴

2.Working principle of hollow shaft stepper motor
The working principle of hollow shaft stepper motor is mainly based on electromagnetic induction and stepper drive control. This motor consists of a rotor and a stator, in which the stator generates an electromagnetic field, which acts on the rotor to cause it to rotate. By inputting a specific pulse signal, the stepper drive can control the step and speed of the motor. One of the design features of the hollow shaft stepper motor is that the center of its rotor is hollow. This design allows the shaft center to pass through, which is suitable for application scenarios where other devices or transmission parts need to pass through the rotor shaft. In addition, the design and application of hollow shaft stepper motors also optimize mechanical design, facilitate wiring, and save design space and production costs. For hollow shaft stepper motors with precision requirements, they have very high requirements for the precision of the hollow shaft or inner hole diameter and thread, mainly because most of these motors are customized to meet the needs of using third-party trapezoidal screws or ball screws. Such high-precision requirements ensure the mechanical accuracy and operating accuracy of the stepper screw motor

3.Design features of hollow shaft stepper motors
1.Hollow shaft design: Compared with traditional motors, the center of the rotor of the hollow shaft stepper motor is empty and can pass through the axis, which is suitable for those application scenarios where other equipment or transmission parts need to pass through the rotor shaft
2.High-precision positioning: Since the step distance and angle of rotation are controllable each time, the hollow shaft stepper motor can achieve high-precision positioning movement to meet the needs of high-demand industrial applications. 
3.High efficiency: The hollow shaft stepper motor adopts digital control technology, which can provide high-efficiency operation while achieving high precision and saving energy. ‌
4.Programmability: The operation mode and parameters of the hollow shaft stepper motor can be controlled by programming, and can be adjusted according to different application requirements, with good flexibility and scalability

Nema 14 步进电机高扭矩空心轴双极 18Ncm ( 0.8A 35x35x34mm

4.Specific application areas of hollow shaft stepper motors
1.Automation equipment: Hollow shaft stepper motors are widely used in automation equipment, such as robots, automated production lines, CNC machine tools, etc. In these devices, hollow shaft stepper motors can provide precise position control and motion control, while facilitating the passage of cables, trachea, etc.
2.Medical equipment: In the field of medical equipment, hollow shaft stepper motors are often used in surgical robots, medical imaging equipment, laboratory automation equipment, etc. These devices have high requirements for precision and reliability, and hollow shaft stepper motors can meet these requirements and facilitate the layout of cables, trachea, etc.
3.Printing equipment: In printing equipment, hollow shaft stepper motors can be used to drive printing rollers, paper conveying and other components. The hollow shaft design can facilitate the passage of cables, trachea, etc., and improve the integration and reliability of the equipment.
4.Textile machinery: In textile machinery, hollow shaft stepper motors can be used to drive components such as yarn winding and looms. The hollow shaft design can facilitate the passage of cables, air pipes, etc., and improve the integration and reliability of the equipment.
5.Stage equipment: In stage equipment, hollow shaft stepper motors can be used to drive components such as stage lifting and stage rotation. The hollow shaft design can facilitate the passage of cables, air pipes, etc., and improve the integration and reliability of the equipment.
6.Aerospace: In the field of aerospace, hollow shaft stepper motors can be used to drive components such as rudders and landing gear. The hollow shaft design can facilitate the passage of cables, air pipes, etc., and improve the integration and reliability of the equipment.
7.Vehicle engineering: In vehicle engineering, hollow shaft stepper motors can be used to drive components such as electric windows and seat adjustments. The hollow shaft design can facilitate the passage of cables, air pipes, etc., and improve the integration and reliability of the equipment.

With the development of microelectronics and computer technology, the demand for stepper motors is increasing day by day, and they are used in various fields of the national economy. Hollow shaft stepper motors rely on their professional technology and experience in design, manufacturing and application to provide a rich product range to meet the needs of different customers and different applications

Methods to improve the stability of hollow shaft stepper motors

The principle of hollow shaft stepper motors Hollow shaft stepper motors are devices that convert electrical signals into mechanical motion. It consists of a rotor and a stator, and the electromagnetic field in the stator acts on the rotor to make it rotate. Hollow shaft stepper motors use stepper drivers to control the step and speed of the motor by inputting specific pulse signals.

Features of hollow shaft stepper motors Hollow shaft stepper motors have the following characteristics:

1.Hollow shaft design: Compared with traditional motors, the center of the rotor of hollow shaft stepper motors is empty and can pass through the axis, which is suitable for applications where other equipment or transmission parts need to pass through the rotor shaft.

2.High-precision positioning: Since each step and angle of rotation are controllable, hollow shaft stepper motors can achieve high-precision positioning motion to meet the needs of high-demand industrial applications.

3.High efficiency: Due to the use of digital control technology, hollow shaft stepper motors can provide high-efficiency operation with high precision and save energy.
4.Programmability: Hollow shaft stepper motors can be programmed to control their operating modes and parameters, and can be adjusted according to different application requirements, with good flexibility and scalability.

3.Methods to improve stability
1.Use micro-stepping drivers: Micro-stepping drivers can improve the resolution of stepper motors, enabling them to make smaller micro-stepping movements between each step, thereby achieving smoother and more precise movements. This helps reduce the vibration and noise of the motor and improve the smoothness of operation. ‌

2.Introduce closed-loop control systems: By introducing closed-loop control systems, such as stepper motor servo systems, the movement of the motor can be adjusted in real time through feedback mechanisms, improving positioning accuracy and dynamic performance. ‌ This control method can suppress resonance to a certain extent and improve the stability and accuracy of the motor's operation. ‌

Nema 11 空心双轴步进电机双极 1.8 度 6Ncm (8.5 盎司英寸) 1.0A 4 线

3.Accurately control current: Using advanced current control technology, such as constant current control, can reduce the vibration and noise of the motor and further improve the smoothness of the motor's operation. ‌

4.Reduce load inertia: By optimizing the mechanical system design and reducing the load, it helps to improve the acceleration and deceleration performance of the motor and reduce unstable factors in operation. ‌

5.Implement proper thermal management: Ensure that the motor operates within the temperature range of efficient operation, reduce heat loss, and maintain stable motor performance. ‌

6.Use high-precision magnets and windings: Using high-precision magnets and winding materials can improve the efficiency and performance of the motor and reduce unstable factors in operation. ‌

7. Optimize control algorithms: Using more advanced control algorithms, such as adaptive control, optimal control, etc., can better adapt to different working conditions and improve the performance and stability of stepper motors. ‌

8. Customized design: Customized design for specific application scenarios allows stepper motors to better meet specific needs, thereby improving the stability of operation


Working mode of three-phase stepper motor

Three-phase stepper motor is a common type of motor, widely used in various automation equipment and precision control systems. It has the advantages of simple structure, convenient control and reliable operation. There are mainly the following working modes of three-phase stepper motor:

1.Full-step working mode
The full-step working mode is the most basic working mode of three-phase stepper motor. In this mode, the three phases of the motor are controlled independently, and the current size and direction of each phase can be adjusted independently. When the current of one phase reaches the maximum value, the current of the other two phases is zero. The advantage of this mode is simple control, but the motor has low operating efficiency and is prone to large vibration and noise.


2.Half-step working mode
The half-step working mode is developed on the basis of the full-step working mode. In this mode, the current of the three phases of the motor is not completely independently controlled, but adjusted through a certain proportional relationship. When the current of one phase reaches the maximum value, the current of the other two phases is not zero, but has a certain value. The advantage of this mode is that the motor has high operating efficiency, low vibration and noise, but the control is relatively complex.

3.Micro-step working mode
The micro-step working mode is further developed on the basis of the half-step working mode. In this mode, the current of the three phases of the motor can be adjusted more finely, thereby achieving a smaller step distance. The advantage of the micro-step working mode is that it can achieve higher-precision control, but the control is more complex and has higher requirements for the motor drive circuit.

4.Dual three-phase working mode
The dual three-phase working mode is a special working mode that divides the three phases of the motor into two groups, each with three phases. In this mode, the current of each group of three phases can be controlled independently, thereby achieving a more flexible control mode. The advantage of the dual three-phase working mode is that it can improve the operating efficiency of the motor and reduce vibration and noise, but the control is more complex.

5.Differential working mode
The differential working mode is a special working mode that realizes the rotation of the motor by controlling the current difference between the two phases of the motor. In this mode, the currents of the two phases of the motor are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction. The advantage of the differential working mode is that it can achieve higher-precision control, but has higher requirements for the motor drive circuit.


6.Hybrid working mode
Hybrid working mode is a way of combining the above working modes. In this way, different working modes can be selected according to actual needs to achieve more flexible and efficient control. The advantage of hybrid working mode is that it can make full use of the advantages of various working modes, but the control is more complicated.

7.Adaptive working mode
Adaptive working mode is an intelligent control mode that can automatically select the most suitable working mode according to the operating state of the motor. In this way, the control system of the motor can automatically adjust the working mode according to the changes in parameters such as load, speed, and temperature to achieve the best control effect. The advantage of adaptive working mode is that it can achieve more efficient and more precise control, but the requirements for the control system are higher.

8.Vector control working mode
Vector control working mode is an advanced control mode that decomposes the current of the motor into two orthogonal components to control the magnetic flux and torque of the motor respectively, thereby achieving more precise control. In this way, the control system of the motor can automatically adjust the two components of the current according to the operating state and load requirements of the motor to achieve the best control effect. The advantage of vector control working mode is that it can achieve more efficient and more precise control, but the requirements for the control system are higher.

In short, there are many working modes for three-phase stepper motors, and different working modes have different characteristics and application scenarios. When choosing a working mode, it is necessary to make comprehensive considerations based on actual needs and motor performance to achieve the best control effect. At the same time, with the continuous development of control technology, the working modes of three-phase stepper motors will be more diversified and intelligent in the future, providing more efficient and precise control solutions for various application scenarios.